HeaMo – Heat in Motion
Effectively redistributing energy for simultaneous supply of heating and cooling
Simultaneous heating and cooling is no longer a rarity in advanced building-operations systems. It is especially buildings oriented to the north and south – as well as applications with great demands for heating throughout the year – that continuously require dual supply of heat and cold over long periods of time.
Until now, cold water was used for cooling needs, and heating systems were employed to furnish hot water, in parallel operations. This arrangement prevented the possibility of exploiting energy-optimization potentials.
The HeaMo system, in contrast, uses heat produced by refrigeration to cover the hot-water requirements of a building. A maximum of effectiveness is achieved when cooling and heating energy must be provided at the same time, in a balanced relationship.
– 16 system sizes in the rating range of 35 to 350 kW
– 2 independent refrigerant cycles
– 1 or 2 scroll compressors per refrigerant cycles
– Optional ST version for quiet operation and expanded possibilities of application
– Optimal: 1 or 2 cold- and hot-water pumps
– Plate heat exchanger for cold- and hot-water cycles
– Feedback / closed-loop variable-command control for up to 5 units
– Extensive accessories
One unit has four different modes of operation:
Automatic mode: For simultaneous requirements for cooling and heating, power is switched on or off, depending on the temperatures. Surplus energy is passed onto the environment, and a deficit in energy is removed from the surroundings.
Only cooling: The HeaMo AIR operates strictly as a chiller, and the hot-water pump is deactivated.
Only heating: The HeaMo AIR operates as a heat pump. The cold-water pump is deactivated.
Heat recovery: Only when there is a need for cold water does the system cover the hot-water requirements. When the required temperature level is reached, surplus heat energy is released to the environment.
– 18 system sizes in the rating range of 50 to 550 kW
– 2 independent refrigerant cycles
– 1 or 2 scroll compressors per refrigerant cycles
– As an option, the sound power level can be reduced by 4 dB(A) in the units with 2 scroll compressors, or by 10 dB(A) for the units with 4 scroll compressors
– Plate heat exchanger for geothermal operations and for water circulation cycles
– Feedback / closed-loop variable-command control for up to 5 units
– Extensive accessories
One unit has four different modes of operation:
Automatic mode: For simultaneous requirements for cooling and heating, power is switched on or off, depending on the temperatures. Surplus energy is passed onto the environment, and a deficit in energy is removed from the surroundings.
Only cooling: The HeaMo GEO operates strictly as a chiller, and the hot-water pump is deactivated.
Only heating: The HeaMo GEO operates as a heat pump. The cold-water pump is deactivated.
Heat recovery: Only when there is a need for cold water does the system cover the hot-water requirements. When the required temperature level is reached, surplus heat energy is released to the environment.
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